Day 7 of PH Wedding Vacation: Wedding Ceremony

After 9 months of planning and preparation, this is it! It is our wedding in the Philippines in front of family and friends.

I want to tell you that it was magical and amazing, but much of it was a blur, but I'll do my best to describe how I felt.

I love the Blessing Photography creative shots after the ceremony!

It was my turn to walk down the aisle - everybody (from the Manila Cathedral guide to the videographer at the back) is telling me to slow down. I didn't even know that I'm walking fast! I want to tell you that I was nervous or scared, but at that moment, I felt calm and genuinely joyful.

As I walk going to the altar, I saw...

My Parents
They look amazing. My mom holding her tears and my dad looking dashing.

My instinct is to look for Jomar, and when I saw him in front - a wave of excitement and love went over me. All the anger from earlier vanished. I hate how much I love Jomar at that moment.

Jomar, his parents, and Wayne (best man)

Family and Friends
As I walk, I keep looking left and right, waving and smiling at family and friends that I see. It felt amazing to be surrounded by people we love on this special day.

With some of our family and friends - thank you, everyone!

Same Day Edit

The homily of Father Cali (I hope we got his name right because they changed priest on the day itself.) was excellent. It was humorous yet a loving reminder for us and all couples in the crowd about being a Catholic married couple. Some portions of the homily are included in the same day edit video:


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