
Showing posts from November, 2019

Holiday Dinner at West Restaurant

Last Tuesday, our team went to West Restaurant for dinner to celebrate the holidays and 2019. The food, service, and ambiance were perfect. I plan to come back with Jomar soon because West Restaurant is closing by the end of the year. End of 2019 Gumstix Team

First Feel of Christmas

We went to have dinner with the family yesterday. The dinner was at 7:00 PM, and we decided to hang out at River Rock Hotel. They have beautiful Christmas decorations at their lobby already. Of course, I decided to take photos as best as I could. We also watched Last Christmas  on Monday, which resulted in Jomar humming Christmas songs at random times. I also started playing Christmas songs while preparing breakfast. First Feel of Christmas Partial Panorama of River Rock lobby View while going down the escalators. Good things happen when you look up. After dinner, I wanted to test Night Sight on the updated Google Camera app on my Pixel 3. See the results below. Night Sight Without Night Sight I'm looking forward to Christmas, and the five vacation days I'll take.

30 at 30

I'm celebrating my third decade on this beautiful world this month, and I thought of making a list of thirty things I'm grateful for. I'm going to divide it into sections as best as I could, but I could be repeating some of them. Faith This is something I am grateful to my mom and years of Catholic education. No, I haven't memorized the bible, but the values it instilled in me have been a foundation of my life. 1. God I'm a Catholic. I'm thankful to know that I worship a loving God who sent his Son, Jesus, to save me. Every time I go through trials, and there's been plenty, I know I can go to Him and surrender. 2. Kerygma Family I can't remember the first time I discovered Kerygma, but receiving the Gospel for the day and reflection allows me to be connected to God daily. Moreover, the teachings are not just for spiritual growth. They include financial, emotional, and even physical. 3. Faith Community When Jomar and I moved into our current a