Day 2 of PH Vacation. Confirmation and Time with Friends

This post is the first of my PH vacation series: Day 0 of PH Vacation . Valentine's Day at Vancouver International Airport Day 1 of PH Vacation . Time with Family Day 2 of PH Vacation . Confirmation and Time with Friends Day 3 of PH Vacation . Errands Day 4 of PH Vacation . Interview and Ocular Day 5 of PH Vacation . High School Friends Day 6 and 7 of PH Vacation . Jomar's Hometown Day 8 of PH Vacation . Food and Pre-Cana Seminar Day 9 of PH Vacation . Last Day It's our second day in Manila. We arrived at our hotel at around 10:00 PM. We checked in to freshen up, unpacked, and we were in bed by 11:00 PM. I woke up at 1:00 AM then at 4:00 AM. Breakfast I sent father an SMS at 4:00 AM to let him know that we were awake and could pick us up. So we went downstairs and planned to call father, and he just arrived. Perfect timing. We had breakfast at a nearby McDonald's. Unfortunately, the hot chocolate is not as good as the one from Canada. Confirmati...