Labour Day Weekend Activities

It was a long weekend and what feels like the last weekend of sunshine before Vancouver returns to its usual Raincouver. In this post, I will share how Jomar and I enjoyed the weekend. Friday Night at Richmond Night Market We had zero plans in the morning of Friday, but by the afternoon, we decided to just go to the Richmond Night Market, and boy, was it fun. It's a gastronomic adventure! More details of what we ate are here . There were fewer people when the gate opened, making the Zoom Pass worth it. The market at full swing after 9:00 PM Saturday at Taiwanfest Vancouver Taiwanfest is back! Because we slept late the night before, we woke up later than usual Saturday morning, which meant arriving at Taiwanfest in Downtown Vancouver after 1:00 PM. View from Granville Bridge when we walked to Downtown Vancouver Taiwanfest Vancouver Taiwanfest Vancouver The only food vendor at the festival ran out of rice. 😠We still ordered deep-fried chicken and deep-fried Taiwanese sausage to en...