Labour Day Weekend Activities

It was a long weekend and what feels like the last weekend of sunshine before Vancouver returns to its usual Raincouver.

In this post, I will share how Jomar and I enjoyed the weekend.

Friday Night at Richmond Night Market

We had zero plans in the morning of Friday, but by the afternoon, we decided to just go to the Richmond Night Market, and boy, was it fun. It's a gastronomic adventure! More details of what we ate are here.

There were fewer people when the gate opened, making the Zoom Pass worth it.

The market at full swing after 9:00 PM

Saturday at Taiwanfest Vancouver

Taiwanfest is back! Because we slept late the night before, we woke up later than usual Saturday morning, which meant arriving at Taiwanfest in Downtown Vancouver after 1:00 PM.

View from Granville Bridge when we walked to Downtown Vancouver

Taiwanfest Vancouver

Taiwanfest Vancouver

The only food vendor at the festival ran out of rice. 😭 We still ordered deep-fried chicken and deep-fried Taiwanese sausage to enjoy under the shade of the Vancouver Art Gallery building.

Because I still needed rice in my life, we went to our favourite source of Taiwanese fried chicken: Hot Star Large Fried Chicken which is a couple block away. After a food coma meal, we headed to the Vancouver Public Library to look for Jomar's first book.

"How to build Android apps with Kotlin."

After an hour or so at the VPL, we went to Anticipated Sunday Mass at Holy Rosary Cathedral.

Before heading home to end our Taiwanfest day, we grabbed dinner at Chef Hung Taiwanese Beef Noodle.

View of sunset over English Bay when we reached Burrard Bridge on our walk home.

Sunday at Home

We stayed home all of Sunday because it was cloudy and raining. Thankfully, God answered our prayer for a sunny Monday.

Labour Day Monday at Spanish Banks Beach

As with any non-working holiday, I started it by doing errands like cooking adobo this morning. Afterwards, we decided to go to Spanish Banks Beach. It's our first time there! We took a 15-minute bus ride and walked 20-minute downhill to the beach.

View from Sasamat Street

Spanish Banks Beach looking east - you can see Downtown Vancouver!

Spanish Banks Beach

Spanish Banks Beach

After two hours of enjoying the sand and sun, we walked to nearby Locarno Beach and enjoyed fish & chips. Then, we continued walking and reached Jericho Beach, which we visited for the first time two weeks ago.

Locarno Beach

Jericho Beach Park - shadow Jomar and me! 😍

Crossing this bridge made me feel like I was in a Ghibli movie.

It's such a fun, relaxing day. This is what I love about Vancouver - we can walk or take transit to places, and it feels like taking a minivacation without breaking the bank.


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