How to Change Legal Name in BC, Canada?

If you just got married and have decided to change your last name to your husband's last name, you would need to inform quite a list of organization to make sure they are aware of the legal name change. Below are some of them that I had to deal with in doing this process in British Columbia, Canada.

Be ready with a copy of your marriage certificate to start the process.

How to change legal name with BC Medical Services Plan (MSP) and in your BC Services Card?

  1. Please go to this link:
  2. Provide the Personal Information they asked for.
  3. They will also ask for information on your spouse and any children as applicable.
  4. You will need to upload a copy of your marriage certificate.
  5. Submit everything in that portal.
You will need to wait up to six weeks. A letter will arrive via mail confirming that the name on your account has been updated. ONLY then you should continue with applying for a new Services Card.

How to change your legal name on your BCID (or License) and on your BC Services Card?

The first step is to inform BC MSP with the name change, so please follow the steps above and wait for the letter confirmation. Then, you can book an appointment with ICBC.

Please bring all your old IDs and a copy of your marriage certificate. They will not return your old IDs, so take a picture if you would like. Moreover, your new IDs can take up to 60 days to arrive.

How to change your legal name with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)?

I took the easier way and just called the CRA. More information is available on the CRA website.

How to change your legal name associated with your Social Insurance Number (SIN)?

You can only proceed with this once you have received your BCID (or License) with your new name.

I completed the "apply SIN" application and provided all the information (like your existing SIN number) and documents they require:
  1. Certificate of Canadian Citizenship
  2. BC Services Card (any Canadian governement-issued ID)
  3. Proof of address (I actually spoke with a Services Canada representative over the phone and she said a utility bill with my current address would work)
  4. Marriage Certificate

How to change your legal name with BC Hydro?

Just give BC Hydro a call. They will ask for your account number and ask for your new last name and that's it.

How to change your legal name with FortisBC?

I sent a chat support online. She asked for my information and my new last name and my account has been updated.

How to change your legal name with your PC Financial MasterCard?

I sent them a message on their online portal and uploaded a copy of my marriage certificate and that's it, I have to double check if it worked.

How to change your legal name with Wealthsimple?

I uploaded a copy of the marriage certificate on my account and reached out to a representative that I am changing my legal name.

How to change your legal name with your SquareOne Insurance?

We use SquareOne Insurance for our tenant insurance. I just had to upload a copy of my marriage certificate on their online portal and a representative got back to me within an hour (I was seriously impressed) with a copy of our Insurance Policy with my new name on it.

How to change your legal name with Virgin Plus?

I sent them an email ( with a copy of my marriage certificate, but I haven't heard back.

How to change your legal name with Sun Life Insurance?

I have a couple policies with Sun Life Insurance. I sent an email with our insurance broker and she sent us a file that's already filled up with my new name and I just needed to sign.

I will update this post as I have more information on the process, but those are organization I have changed my legal name so far. I still have the following to do:
  • Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
  • TekSavvy (internet provider)


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