What is Canada Day: A Celebration of Diversity at Steveston Salmon Festival

Celine Note: This is the 150th post in this blog. Yay! I am pleased that it just so happen that my sister, Therese, finally agreed to make a post. She is currently studying at the University of British Columbia taking up Arts. She's still deciding whether to take Political Science or Psychology as a major. This piece is her point-of-view from the recently concluded 149th Canada Day.

Due to the recent political upheavals in the US and UK, many citizens of those nations are considering moving to Canada or at least, are joking about it. 

What is so special about Canada? 

Other than the notion that Canadians are polite and friendly, Canada's society is far more advanced than other developed countries. 

RCMP at the Canada Parade
The gap between its society and that of others would only widen since a Liberal government is leading the nation, especially with the ever-popular Justin Trudeau. 

Canada has continued to embrace individuality and diversity. It doesn't tolerate prejudices which is evident in the results of the previous election. These are the values that Canada promote.

The Canada Day Parade in the Steveston Salmon Festival has displayed Canada's values and the essence of Canada Day accurately.

Canada Day had risen in the late 19th Century when three territories were unified into one: Canada. The modern Canada Day celebrates unity, but much more than that is diversity.

Canada Day isn't just celebrating Western culture, maple syrup, hockey or others' common definition (and misconception) of Canada; instead, it celebrates and recognizes the differences between individuals and cultures.

Canada Day is a reminder that yes, we come from a variety of places and yes, we have different histories. But this is what makes Canada: unifying people from all over the world and celebrating their past in the present.

“We know in our bones that Canada was built by people from all corners of the world who worship every faith, who belong to every culture, who speak every language. We believe in our hearts that this country’s unique diversity is a blessing.” - Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada during his acceptance speech last October 19, 2015.


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