How much is wisdom teeth extraction in Vancouver in 2022?

I had all four of my wisdom teeth removed today, and thank God that it went well. I am recovering better than I thought, thanks to painkillers and antibiotics. But, more importantly, thanks to my awesome husband, whose been reheating the soup we prepared beforehand and making sure I have icepacks on my swollen cheeks.

Thank God for full-time work that provides insurance and HSA (health spending account), which means we got (or will) reimbursed for the procedure.

How do you get your wisdom teeth removed in Vancouver?

This is based on my experience as a patient, so it may vary to vary. For five years (since I had Dr. Kent as my first dentist in Vancouver), he explained that my wisdom teeth are there, but they're not impacted, so he recommends we keep observing it. Now, in 2022, one of the teeth came out. There's no pain yet, and they're still all behaving. I think I could have waited, but I asked my dentist what she recommended. She believes we should just do it before things become urgent.

  1. Recommendation from your dentist. The first step is that your dentist will inform you that you should consider removing your wisdom teeth.
  2. The dental office will provide your information to a different clinic. If your dental office does not have an oral & maxillofacial surgeon, you will be referred to one.
  3. Scheduling and doing the initial visit. The office of the surgeon gave me a call to schedule an appointment. This includes taking an x-ray and discussing options with the surgeon.
  4. Scheduling the day of operation. I scheduled my appointment on a Thursday to take that day, Friday, and the rest of the weekend off to recover.
  5. Before the operation. The day before the procedure, I was required to do 8-hour fasting of no food and drink (not even water) because my procedure includes IV sedation. Moreover, we had the ice packs and soft foods (soup and mashed cauliflower) ready to be reheated.
  6. Day of the operation. We arrived early at the clinic to go over paperwork and instructions. I also paid for the procedure. Before we began, I was hooked up to oxygen through the nose; three sensors (circular thing - not sure what they're officially called) were placed on me (two on my collarbone and one on my left ribcage, my blood pressure and oxygen levels were also monitored. Then, my surgeon entered the room, and he did the IV sedation on my right arm. As soon as he did, I was knocked out within five seconds. I have no idea what happened next.
  7. Right after the operation. I woke up extraordinarily sleepy and a bit dizzy. My cheeks are swollen, and I have gauze in my mouth. There was a waiting area, and I sat on a comfortable chair for what felt like forever. It was uncomfortable because I was trying my best to stay awake and alert, but it was challenging. Finally, after some time (not sure how long), my husband came into the room. One of the nurses went over what to do afterwards with me but mostly talked to my husband. The surgeon also went to the room, but I can't remember what he said.
  8. Buying medicine and going home. The night before - I recommend researching the closest pharmacy so you can purchase any medication you might need. Moreover, make sure you have a ride and a responsible adult to accompany you home. We don't drive, so I am grateful for Uber and Lyft.
  9. Water and Soup. As soon as I arrived home, I removed the gauze to drink some water, but it was challenging. Hubby reheated the carrot ginger soup, and I had to wait for it to be at room temperature before having my first meal of the day. After that, I took one of the painkillers and had the cold compress on my cheeks. When the bleeding stopped, I removed the gauze and was able to take a nap.

How much did it cost to have my wisdom teeth extracted in Vancouver?

The Initial Visit

The general surgical examination and diagnostic are $145, and the panoramic film x-ray is $75. For the initial visit, I paid $220. Hubby's insurance reimbursed 80% while I filed the rest against my HSA at work. Check if your insurance will cover procedure 182965.

The Procedure

The surgery cost a total of $2,550. It was expensive. The breakdown that I have is as follows:
  • $600 Deep Sedation, Anesthesia
  • $450 Bone Removal or Sectioning of Tooth #18 (I think this is for the one that's already partially out)
  • $500 Bone Removal & Sectioning of Tooth #28
  • $500 Bone Removal & Sectioning of Tooth #38
  • $500 Bone Removal & Sectioning of Tooth #48
I think hubby's insurance will cover 50% or 80%. We're still waiting for the reimbursement. Whatever amount they don't pay out, I will submit it to my HSA.


I am so thankful to our employers for providing insurance and HSA, which we can use for this procedure. Thank God!

I would like to repeat that the above costs are based on my wisdom teeth extraction today (April 21, 2022) in Vancouver. Your cost may differ depending on the complexity of your case. This post aims to give you an idea of costs in 2022.

Where to buy soft foods after wisdom teeth extraction in Vancouver?

I opted to get the ready-made soup available in Save on Foods. The Carrot and Ginger soup was perfect because it was deliciously pureed so no chewing necessary. I ate that for all my meals on the day after the surgery.

Soft Foods and Liquids

Soft foods and liquids for the first few days following surgery. AVOID rice, corn, toast, chips, popcorn, spicy food, seeds, and nuts for at least five days after surgery as small particles may get caught in the socket and area and cause a secondary infection.

DO NOT use a straw as sucking may loosen the stitches and blood clots, causing unnecessary bleeding.

Soft Food Suggestions

Below is a list of soft food suggestions from the clinic.
  • Warm beverages are okay, but avoid hot
  • Smoothie (using banana, yogurt, avocado, orange juice, and mango slices)
  • Ensure/Boost
  • Puddings
  • Jello
  • Scrambled or soft poached eggs
  • Mashed potatoes, carrots, turnips, squash, and sweet potatoes
  • Well-cooked pasta
  • Soup (tomato or broth)
  • Soft white bread
  • Ice cream
  • Avoid vegetables that may become stuck, like corn and peas


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