Everyone wants to change the world

I would like to think that everyone wants to change the world and (hopefully) make it better. We want to solve poverty, racism, sexism, war, and all the problems in the world. In trying to think of all the negative, we get overwhelmed and are unsure how to start.

That's me 8 years ago. I just graduated from college and I want to change the world.

How I change the world?

I still want to change the world but instead of getting overwhelmed from all the negative news being thrown at me everyday. I realized (5 years after graduation) that I can change the world - MY WORLD.

This is not conceited that it's about me and my world. But changing the portion of the world that I can actually change.
  • To solve poverty, I make sure that my family has something to eat three times a day and that we have a loving home. But that's just meeting basic needs, living out of poverty means having hope in the future. I make sure to give hope and encouragement to my parents, siblings, husband, colleagues, and hopefully everyone that I encounter everyday.
  • To solve racism and sexism, I respect EVERYONE that I encounter everyday.
  • To stop the war, be more loving and helpful to everyone. Imagine if everyone just decides to love more and show it everyday. The world would be much more peaceful.
I am not sure if I am changing the world but I do my best to be more loving and show respect and appreciate to everyone I meet everyday. When possible, I help strangers - give direction or say good morning.

I realized that changing the world doesn't mean big, grandiose act that the world needs to know about. Changing the world means changing ourselves with the little act of kindness we can do everyday.

SMILE Project

One of my dearest friends, Joanne decided to do something better than simple act of kindness. She is part of Society of Mountaineering Berks (SMB) and annually they have an outreach, SMILE (SMB Mountaineers in Live Experience). This year they are going to Marawi specifically to Banga Primary School and Ranaranao Primary School in nearby Marantao town.

They are giving school supplies, groceries, and hygiene kits to students at both schools. Joanne asked if I could donate to help their trip so they could buy more things for the kids. Of course, I shared what little I have. One of the other lessons I learned in life is, the ultimate purpose of wealth is to bless others.

If you are interested to donate, please send me a message or comment below so I could connect you to Joanne. For reference here's an outreach they did last year at Benguet. Oh and if you can't donate, please pray for the safety of their group. Marawi is at red alert and we pray that they get to enter and leave the area safely.


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