Fail Business Process: Robinsons Land

Background Story: My parents and siblings are flying to Canada on December 14, 2013 (Saturday) and I will be left behind here in the Philippines. The need is to buy a condominium that I could occupy as soon as possible.

The Find: We keep on searching and inquiring for a condominium that is easily accessible via the major roads like EDSA. My mom searched online and found The Gateway Regency online. She called up the broker, and the scheduled an ocular. They saw a one-bedroom unit that seems right. As early as the ocular, my mom keeps on repeating to the broker and the marketing employee of Robinsons Land (Valerie Mijares), that we need to move in as soon as possible and before the flight of my family. We want them to expedite the process, and they confirmed that it is possible.

The Payment: We paid the reservation fee last November 26, 2013, and the balance on December 3, 2013. Both payments were funded from our Metrobank account to the Metrobank account of Robinsons Land to avoid the 3-day clearing necessary if it comes from another bank. It would also help in making the process faster in the hopes of a sooner condo turnover. After making the payment and verifying with both Metrobank accounts that the money has cleared, Robinsons Land informed my mom that a 3-day clearing is still necessary on their end.

The Documents: Since even if it's a Metrobank to Metrobank transfer, we waited for 3 days, thus, by December 6, 2013, my mom was sending me SMS that I should go to Robinsons Land. I can't because it was our annual company planning. I arrived in Robinsons Land by 6:00 PM and they told me that it would be processed by Monday. I signed the deed of sale, some BIR form, and some other third document.

The Turnover: Today was the first time I shouted at anyone for lousy service. Seriously. Here's what happened. My mom, sister, and the broker went to Robinsons Land in the hope that the unit would be turned over today since Valerie Mijares is not replying to the SMS of the broker (and the broker found out through a colleague of Valerie that they are busy preparing for the Christmas party).

When they arrived in Robinsons Land Grand Showroom in Robinsons Galleria, Cheryl Francia (Account Management Department Officer) faced them and was keep on insisting that the 10-day processing time after all documents are with them before the turnover. The broker, my mom, and my sister was disappointed by this and was demanding, why? Because from the very beginning we've been repeating over and over again that we need to expedite the turnover. The broker demanded to see the manager of Cheryl. I arrived, and we've waited for more than 30 minutes before Cheryl faced us again with her manager Red Dellosa (Account Management Department Manager). They still insisted that there's a 10-day processing time, but the best they can do is turnover 11 AM tomorrow (Thursday). Now, this caused me to be mad because they acted so slow even if they informed us at the beginning that it's possible to expedite this turnover.

I walked out. Yes, I did, and yes, I am capable of anger. I am seriously cursing and telling Robinsons Land that I will never buy from you again. The result of that anger is this blog entry explaining what happened and telling everyone to never buy from Robinsons Land.

The broker insisted we go back and ask what's our assurance that they will turnover tomorrow by 11 AM. Again, Cheryl came back explaining that the turnover engineer will be there tomorrow by 11 AM. Then Cheryl informed us that they did not know that an expedite is necessary for this property. We were like WHAT?! so I asked who is supposed to notify you of this? Is it our jobs as a customer to inform a department and people that we have not even met? Cheryl said that it's supposed to be Valerie telling them of this expedite. So we asked them to call Valerie so we could all talk to know what happened and why it was not accelerated. According to Valerie, they informed them last Monday (yes, just this Monday, December 9) that the turnover needs to be expedited. Then, they are saying that a Thursday turnover is fast since they were informed just this Monday. Wow. So now we are so indebted to you guys *sarcasm *roll eyes.

Now, two days before my family's flight, we had to move in. Two days. So annoying. Anyway, to try to be positive about it (as if I can), below are my recommendation to all the people we've worked with and Robinsons Land, in general.
  1. Explain the process. Before the reservation payment is made, explain the process. Don't explain to me that a 5-day clearing after payment is necessary for document preparation and ten days is needed before the turnover, now that we are demanding it from you. I don't need those things when I have already PAID for the unit. If you informed me ahead of time, I WOULD NOT HAVE PURCHASED FROM ROBINSONS LAND because of the many organizational-corporate shits that needs to happen.
  2. Learn how to admit your mistake. Cheryl Francia was raising her voice at my mom, the broker, and my sister. I know it's instinct to defend yourself when you feel threatened but never do it when facing a customer. What is more annoying is I NEVER HEARD THEM APOLOGIZE THE WHOLE TIME WE WERE THERE. As my sister said, ang taas ng pride. What they did and what happened is an inconvenience to us, we waited for more than an hour for them to tell us that the turnover is tomorrow, 11 AM. In fairness to Red Dellosa, he was calmed the whole time even if he did not apologize. A "sorry, a turnover is not possible today, but the best we can do is tomorrow 11 AM." would have been enough. But it seems apology and sorry is not part of this people's vocabulary.
  3. Improve your internal process. According to the broker, they had a client before that paid on Monday and got the unit on Tuesday, and the document is to follow already. I'd like to think that there's a breakdown in communication since the turnover team is insisting that they are not aware that the account needs to be expedited as soon as possible.
There. Enough Ranting. So tomorrow officially is turnover day and dapat lang na moving day.


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