
Starting February with great news

Last month, I decided to start consulting on my own. I reflected one Sunday evening on my strengths and what gives me joy and what I should do about it. My conclusion was a list of actionable items to help me achieve my goals. I borrowed a lot of books from the library to ensure I have the right foundation skills to start digital marketing consulting side projects. My goal? To help Filipino entrepreneurs in Canada be available and accessible online. The following Monday, I sent dad a text asking when he would meet his Filipino friend which owns a newspaper so I could pitch my idea. Well, that didn't happen but he mentioned that I am interested in making websites to them. By Friday, Jomar and I met with our first client. Yes, that quick. I know God is at work because it took small steps and by His miracle something happened. By Saturday, I sent our client a prototype (a sample website) and by Sunday night we're live. A week later we got paid and are now discussing how to hel

Top 3 Reasons Why I Love Canada

If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know that I have a love-hate relationship with Canada. Now I am giving you the Top 3 reasons why I love Canada. Family My Ohana is here. Below is our photo in Richmond Center celebrating my parent's anniversary. Feeling Vacation I still feel like that I am on a vacation. I have been here for two years and the sense of wonder is still there. Take for example, how the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage look at night. We always walk here and I never notice how it looked at night. Or you may stumble upon a series filming while walking Downtown. Additionally, here's a mural in a parking lot along Granville Street. It's impressive and worthy of a pause just so you could take a photo. This is what I love about Vancouver. It allows you to pause and appreciate life - well, only if you let it. Diversity More than the acceptance I feel in Canada, diversity allowed me to grow and accept culture . Moreover,