Poutine with Purpose 2019 Vancouver

Jomar and I love to eat out a minimum once a week. He's always on the lookout for events that we can do during the weekend when he stumbled upon Poutine with Purpose.
For every poutine you buy and enjoy during Poutine with Purpose Week, one simple, healthy meal will be provided to a youth in need.

Saturday Evening

We attended the 5 PM Mass at St. Augustine's and decided to have dinner at one of the restaurants on the list. We went to Colony Entertainment District to try the Colony Poutine.

Colony Poutine

It was a busy Saturday, and the table we're eating on is reserved at 7:30 PM, so we quickly enjoyed our dinner and walked to the bus stop to go home. Looking towards the direction of Granville Bridge is this beautiful sunset glow. I love Vancouver!


Sunday Afternoon

Sunday is usually reserved for staying at home and watching NFL all day. However, since it's a beautiful clear day, Jomar and I decided to take a walk by the Seawall between Granville Bridge to Olympic Village.

A reminder that fall is really here.

Enjoying the beautiful at one of the benches along the Seawallnear Stamps Landing

I love this view!

When we got to Olympic Village, we went to Craft Beer Market to get the CRAFT Poutine. Then, we walked back home to prepare for the workweek.

CRAFT Poutine

It was a great weekend eating poutine and loving the city even more.


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