Downtown Vancouver: Me, Myself, and I, and Events

I have this love-hate relationship with my new country of residence. I hate (okay maybe hate is strong, dislike sounds better) Canada because I could not find a job as quickly as I want to and in the IT industry but I love this beautiful, clean, and safe city. I want to cry out of joy.

The Fairmont Hotel is one of my favourite Downtown buildings

Yesterday, I was in Downtown Vancouver for two events. From 12nn to 1pm, I was at BrainStation for the Recruiting Social meetup by Angela Bortolussi then in the evening 6pm - onwards I decided to attend the TechFest by Techvibes at Vancouver Convention Centre West, Canada Place. I learned a lot from Angela about how headhunters could find you in LinkedIn and online. She also recommended how to use other social media platform such as Instagram and Twitter to be discovered by recruiter (sadly, I don't use both). After this meetup, I found out about TechFest. Initially, I was going to the Startup PM Roundtable: Lessons From the Trenches meetup at Mobify but I decided that I want to see how vibrant the tech scene in Vancouver so I decided to go to TechFest.

Because of that, I found myself walking in around Downtown Vancouver from 2pm until 6pm before the event. God, I love this city!
 The Vancouver Public Library building apparently looked like a coliseum. I stayed at VPL for a few hours looking for a book to read about New Immigrants in Canada.

Vancouver Public Library Coliseum

Afterwards, I stayed at the Pacific Centre which is getting ready for the upcoming Chinese New Year with this ceiling design.

At around 5pm, I decided it's time to walk going to Canada Place. I have rewarded this view of The Station building and Canada Place Sails at night. I was also able to see both buildings during a morning trip with Jomar last November 2015 but the night view is fantastic.

The Station building at night

Canada Place Sails at night

The highlight of my walk going to the TechFest is that large globe in the lobby of the Vancouver Convention Centre West! I even took a video because I was so amazed. Maybe watching too much Doctor Who got me so mesmerized by the view of our world this big and this close.

Is that what I think it is?
Wow! It is really a giant globe!
And it's not a hologram or projection!
The best part! It's moving!

Okay, there. I am done with my fascination with this globe. During the TechFest, I realized how big of an introvert I am. I was so shy, and I have no idea what to tell or what to ask from more than 15 companies in the event. Nonetheless, it was an opportunity to learn about the Vancouver Tech Scene and a chance to learn about myself and my fear of being alone on public social events.

Looking forward to more events and meeting more people in my new home country.


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