Day 1: YVR to SFO to ONT | Visiting Southern California

We're flying again! First, some life updates. Last week, Jomar received news at work which would change our financial strategy. Thankfully, we booked our flight for this trip last January. It also helps that we have an emergency fund, and I still have work, so hopefully, things don't change too much.

Alaska Airlines to United Airlines

Three days before our flight, I received an email from Alaska Airlines that our flight had been cancelled and we needed to rebook. I calmly called the number they provided, and they rebooked us at no extra charge to United Airlines with a layover at San Francisco International Airport (SFO). Our original flight meant flying out of Vancouver International Airport (YVR) at 6:00 AM with a 5 hours layover in Seattle. With the United flight, we leave Vancouver at 12:00 NN with a 2-hour layover in San Francisco. It surprisingly worked out.

Day 1: YVR to SFO to ONT

Like any traumatized Filipino who lived and experienced Manila traffic, we left our home four hours before our flight. I'd rather be early than late. We printed our boarding pass in one of the kiosks at YVR and went through the long lines going through security and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The nice gentleman at the counter asked why we were going to the US and for how long we were going to stay. I answered we were visiting family and we'll be back on Monday.

Waiting near Gate 79

After that, we grabbed breakfast at Tim Hortons and waited for our flight. When we were about to board, my bag was "forced" to be checked in because there wasn't enough space in the overhead bin. Nooo!

View from our plane window at YVR.

I slept most of the flight and woke up as we descended to SFO.

Selfie before our flight.

San Francisco International Airport

View of San Francisco as we land from YVR.

It's my first time in SFO. We didn't roam around since we had a connecting fight, but we enjoyed a Chicken Sandwich from Proposition Chicken and a brownie & blueberry muffin from Green Beans Coffee Co. I also got my mom an adorable Golden Gate Bridge fridge magnet which I know she will like.

View of South San Francisco on our way to Ontario, California.

Ontario International Airport

Our flight to Ontario International Airport (ONT) was an hour long, and I was knocked out. Sleeping on a flying airplane is an excellent skill to have.

Flying from SFO to ONT on this United Express plane.

I woke up when we landed at ONT. As soon as we went down the escalator, I saw my Tito Deo and Tita Cherry and started waving like the weird person that I am. I hugged Tita Cherry extra tightly because I hadn't seen her in over 15 years! It's so good to see Tito Deo looking as healthy as ever. Unfortunately, we had to wait for our bag, and the wait time got extended because the carousel stopped working.

Another plane selfie.

After what felt like forever (I'm being dramatic, it's more like 5 minutes), Jomar got our bags, and we went to the car where Tita Vickie and Tita Dioly were waiting. They asked about our flight and even gave us freshly baked, warm pandesal in case we were hungry.

Seafood Boil

We drove through the freeway and arrived safely at the beautiful home of Tita Vickie and Tito Deo. They ordered Seafood Boil for dinner, and we enjoyed it with white rice. It's been a long time since I ate that much rice! Food coma. After dinner, we got changed and unpacked in one of the rooms. Then, I called my mom to tell her I had arrived safely. The three Titas and my mom are sisters. It's so amusing to watch them interact, and I pray to God that when my siblings and I reach the same age as them, we can be as funny and close.

Shrimp Seafood Boil

Mussels Seafood Boil

After a short video call with my mom, Jomar watched YouTube videos with Tito Deo downstairs while I hung out in the room where Tita Dioly and Tita Cherry were staying with Tita Vickie. We were browsing through photos when we (me and my siblings) were kids. I also showed them pictures of our wedding in 2019. Tita Vickie and Tito Deo, with my cousin Ate Stacy, flew to the Philippines; unfortunately, Tita Dioly and Tita Cherry couldn't.

I showed them the video of my parents and Jomar's parents giving a speech at our wedding, and it was funny. It's so lovely to hear my Titas' laughter. We called it a night after that. Thank God we arrived safely and were able to spend time with family.


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