Day 4: ONT to SEA to YVR | Visiting Southern California

It's airport day! Good morning! I woke up at 4:00 AM to prepare for the day. At 5:00 AM, Tita Vickie toasted the delicious pandesal and prepared hot chocolate to ensure we won't get hungry while waiting for our flight. I am so blessed to have Tita Vickie and Tito Dea in my life. They drove us to Ontario International Airport (ONT) for our flight. I didn't do any web check-in and was feeling paranoid. Thankfully, the staff of Alaska Airlines was pleasant. After getting our boarding pass for both flights, we hugged Tita Vickie and Tita Dioly goodbye and went through TSA. Then, we waited for our flight. We explored ONT and found the ramen vending machine, but everything was sold out. I was so looking forward to writing about it. Anyway, we just sat near our gate, and I napped. A few minutes before boarding, I told Jomar I was hungry. We're boarding soon, so I grabbed a sandwich from Hudson News and devoured my half. Jomar wants to eat his...